UEA Ambassador Life [新年活動] Join Us


 [新年活動] Join Us
🐮Happy Chinese New Year!🎬
Here’s our Year of Ox Movie Party’s plan for you and your friends this Friday (12 Feb)! You’ll have a chance to win a “red packet” (£10 x 6 Deliveroo gift vouchers) to celebrate Chinese New Year with delicious cuisines! Hong Kong ambassadors, Taiwanese ambassador and Malaysian/ Singaporean ambassador will host the party together. ❤️Join us on Zoom and share this event with your friends! Walk-in is welcome.
🧧 To enter “red packet” giveaway:
🧨 Register the party by 7pm on 12Feb via https://forms.gle/4vcC6TTpugnKQbrL7
🧨 Join our Zoom party room at 8pm
Date: 12Feb (This Friday)
Time: 8pm
Place: Zoom (Meeting ID: 872 6106 6033/ Passcode: 000000) (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87261066033......)
🐮 牛年快樂!🎬
牛年賀歲電影派對將於2月12日(星期五)舉行。在大年初一晚上8時,四位UEA學生大使(香港、台灣,馬來西亞與新加坡)會和你一起網上慶祝農曆新年🧨🧨!派對活動包括分享各地賀年慶祝習俗、豐富好玩的破冰遊戲、送出總值£60的「紅包」(6張Deliveroo £10現金券)和一起看香港賀年電影《行運超人》!❤️立即邀請你的朋友或室友一起參加牛年賀歲電影派對!每位已登記參加的朋友也有機會贏取「紅包」!
🧧 參加方法
🧨 2月12日7時前到 https://forms.gle/4vcC6TTpugnKQbrL7 遞交參加表格
🧨 登入Zoom 牛年賀歲電影派對(Meeting ID: 872 6106 6033/ Passcode: 000000)
🧨 Walk-in 也歡迎(但會錯過收「紅包」的機會噢!)

